Monika Piegeler studierte an der RWTH Aachen den Ingenieursstudiengang Architektur und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, diplomiert 2003 und 2005. Im Anschluss übernahm sie die Tätigkeit der Vertriebsleitungsassistenz. Von Februar 2008 bis Oktober 2013 war sie am Lehrstuhl für Industrieökonomik und Innovation an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal tätig.
- Entrepreneurship and Personality Traits
Publikationen in begutachteten Zeitschriften:
- Gender Gap in Latent and Nascent Entrepreneurship: Driven by Competitiveness (mit Werner Bönte), Small Business Economics, 2013, 41, 961-987.
- Gender Differences in Competitiveness, Risk Tolerance, and other Personality Traits: Do they contribute to the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship? (mit Werner Bönte) Schumpeter Discussion Paper 2011-012
- Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who is the Most Entrepreneurial Employee of All? (mit Werner Bönte) Schumpeter Discussion Paper 2010-009
- Entrepreneurship Capital, Knowledge Spillovers and Regional Productivity: Some Empirical Evidence from European Regions (mit Werner Bönte und Stephan Heblich), Working Paper IAREG WP3/05.
- Concept and Measurement of Regional Entrepreneurship Capital (mit Werner Bönte und Stephan Heblich), Working Paper IAREG 2008/001.
Sonstige Projekte:
- Data collection for Individual Entrepreneurial Aptitude (26000 observations, 36 countries) in the Flash Eurobarometer „Entrepreneurship“ 2009 administrated by the Directorate General „Industry and Services“, European Commission.
- Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth. Financed by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development in the 'Socio-economic sciences and the humanities' area.
- Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2011, Syracuse, New York.
- G-Forum 2011, Zürich
- Third International Workshop “Entrepreneurship, Culture, Finance and Economic Development”, FUNDP-University of Namur, Belgium, Keynote Speaker: David Audretsch, June 2012
- 3rd IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research, Potsdam, Lectures: Simon Parker, June 2012
- 14th International Schumpeter Society Conference (ISS), Brisbane, July 2012
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung Göttingen, September2012
- ZEW International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE), Mannheim, October 2012