Dr. Niyaz Valitov


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Niyaz Valitov studied economics at the University of Passau and Cologne. Since October 2013 Mr Valitov has been a scientific assistant at the chair of Industrial Organization and Innovation at the University of Wuppertal.

Research Interests:

  • Energy demand analysis

  • Risk premia in electricity markets
  • Market integration of renewable energies




Refereed articles in scientific journals

  • Niyaz Valitov (2018), Risk premia in the German day-ahead electricity market revisited: The impact of negative prices, Energy Economics, online 31.01.2018 link

  • Werner Bönte, Torben Engelmeyer, Sebastian Nielen und Niyaz Valitov (2015), Price Elasticity of Demand in the EPEX Spot Market for Electricity – New Empirical Evidence, Economics Letters, Vol. 135, pp. 5-8. link







Presentations at Conferences:

  • 36th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Washington, D.C. (USA), 23.-26. September 2018

  • 40th IAEE International Conference, Singapore, 18th -21st June 2017

  • 11th BIEE Oxford research conference, St John’s College, Oxford (United Kingdom), 21st -22nd September 2016

  • 39th IAEE International Conference, Bergen (Norway), 19th - 22nd July 2016

  • 11th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology (ENERDAY), Dresden (Germany), 8th April 2016

  • 14th IAEE European Energy Conference, Rome (Italy), 28th - 31st October 2014


Awards and prizes:

  • Student Paper Award ($ 500) - 36th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference

  • Stipendium (€ 5000) - 6th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences





Poster presentations:

  • 16th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS), Montreal (Kanada), 06.-08. Juli 2016

  • 15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS), Jena (Germany), 27th - 30th July 2014