Prof. Dr. Werner Bönte

Office: M.12.27
Tel.: +49 (202) 439-2446
E-Mail: boente(at)
Office hours: Tuesdays on appointment
Werner Bönte is Professor of Economics at the University of Wuppertal and Vice Chairman of the Jackstädt Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research. From 2006 to 2007, he was a research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Economics (Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group). He studied economics at the University of Vienna and at the Technical University of Berlin and received his academic degrees (doctorate and habilitation) from the University of Hamburg.
- Werner Bönte, Vivien D. Procher, Faisal S. Malik (2024), Terror in the City: Local Terrorism and Firm Exports. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, online, link
- Huber, C., Dreber, A., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Weitzel, U., Abellán, M., Adayeva, X., Ay, F. C., Barron, K., Berry, Z., Bönte, W.,..., Holzmeister, F. (2023). Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 120, No. 23 link
- Diemo Urbig, Werner Bönte, Jana Schmutzler, Andrés Felipe Zambrano Curcio und Veneta Andonova (2021), Diverging associations of dimensions of competitiveness with gender and personality, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 176, link
- Diemo Urbig, Werner Bönte, Vivien D. Procher und Sandro Lombardo (2020), Entrepreneurs embrace competition: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field study. Small Business Economics, Vol. 55, 193-214 link
- Werner Bönte, Vivien Procher und Diemo Urbig (2018), Gender differences in selection into self-competition. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 25 Iss. 8, 539-543 link
- Werner Bönte, Vivien Procher, Diemo Urbig und Martin Voracek (2017), Digit Ratio (2D:4D) Predicts Self-Reported Measures of General Competitiveness, but Not Behavior in Economic Experiments. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 238, Published 08. Dezember 2017 link
- Werner Bönte, Sandro Lombardo und Diemo Urbig (2017), Economics meets psychology: Experimental and self-reported measures of individual competitiveness. Personality and Individual Differences, Vol.116, 179-185 link
- Werner Bönte, Vivien Procher und Diemo Urbig (2016), Biology and selection into entrepreneurship: The relevance of prenatal testosterone exposure. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 40, Issue 5, 1121-1148 link
- Werner Bönte, Sebastian Nielen, Niyaz Valitov und Torben Engelmeyer (2015), Price Elasticity of Demand in the EPEX Spot Market for Electricity – New Empirical Evidence. Economics Letters, Vol. 135, 5-8. link
- Werner Bönte (2014), Gender Differences in competitive preferences: New cross-country empirical evidence, Applied Economics Letters, Vol 22(1), 71-75. link
- Werner Bönte, Stefan Krabel (2014), You can't always get what you want: Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction of University Graduates. Applied Economics, Vol 46(21), 2477-2487. link
- Werner Bönte, David B. Audretsch und Jagannadha P. Tamvada (2013), Religion, Social Class, and Entrepreneurial Choice. Journal of Business Venturing, 28(6), 774-789. link
- Werner Bönte, Monika Piegeler (2013), Gender Gap in Latent and Nascent Entrepreneurship: Driven by Competitiveness. Small Business Economics, 41, 961-987. link
- Werner Bönte und Christian Dienes (2013), Environmental Innovations and Strategies for the Development of New Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Europe. Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol.22 (8), 501-516. link
- Werner Bönte, Ute Filipiak (2012), Financial Literacy, Information Flows, and Caste Affiliation: Empirical Evidence from India. Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 36(12), pp.3399-3414. link
- Werner Bönte, David B. Audretsch und Prashanth Mahagaonkar (2012), Financial Signaling by Innovative Nascent Ventures: The Relevance of Patents and Prototypes. Research Policy, Vol. 41(8), pp. 1407–1421. link
- Werner Bönte, Sebastian Nielen (2011), Product Innovation, Credit Constraints, and Trade Credit: Evidence from a Cross-Country Study. Managerial and Decision Economics, 32(6), 413-424. link
- Werner Bönte, O. Falck und S. Heblich (2009), "The Impact of Regional Age Structure on Entrepreneurship". Economic Geography, 85(3), 269-287(19). link
- Werner Bönte (2008), "Inter-Firm Trust in Buyer-Supplier Relations: Are Knowledge Spillovers and Geographical Proximity Relevant?". Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 67, 855-870. link
- Werner Bönte, David Audretsch und Max Keilbach (2008), "Entrepreneurship Capital and its Impact on Knowledge Diffusion and Economic Performance". Journal of Business Venturing, 23, 687-698. link
- Werner Bönte, Lars Wiethaus (2007), "Knowledge Disclosure and Transmission in Buyer-Supplier Relationships", Review of Industrial Organization, 31, 275-288. link
- Werner Bönte, Bernd Lucke (2006), "Wes' Lied sing ich? Replik auf Klodt". Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 7(2), 309-310. link
- Werner Bönte, Max Keilbach (2005), "Concubinage or Marriage? Informal and Formal Cooperations for Innovation". International Journal of Industrial Organization, 23, 279-302. link
- Werner Bönte (2004), "Spillovers from Publicly Financed Business R&D: Some Empirical Evidence from Germany", Research Policy, 33, 1635-1655. link
- Werner Bönte (2004), "Innovation and Employment Growth in Industrial Clusters: Evidence from Aeronautical Firms in Germany", International Journal of the Economics of Business, 11(3), 259-278. link
- Werner Bönte, Bernd Lucke (2004), "Qualitätssicherung in der volkswirtschaftlichen Auftragsforschung: Eine Fallstudie und ein Vorschlag". Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 5 (1), 1-22. link
- Werner Bönte (2003), "Does Federally Financed Business R&D Matter for U.S. Productivity Growth?", Applied Economics, 35 (15), 1619-1625. link
- Werner Bönte (2003), "R&D and Productivity: Internal vs. external R&D - Evidence from West-German Manufacturing Industries", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 12 (4), 343-360. link
- Werner Bönte (2002), "TFP Measures without R&D Bias - A Note", Applied Economics Quarterly, 48, 48-66. link
- Werner Bönte (1997), "F&E-Spillover und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Kosten der Produktion", Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Bd. 216/2, 209-225. link
- Werner Bönte, Wilhelm Pfähler und Ulrich Hofmann (1996), "Does Extra Public Infrastructure Capital matter? An Appraisal of Empirical Literature", Finanzarchiv, 53, 68-112. link
- Werner Bönte (2002), "Produktivitätseffekte industrieller Forschung und Entwicklung - Ergebnisse für Deutschland", Spektrum Bundesstatistik, Bd. 18, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden. link
- Werner Bönte, Wilhelm Pfähler, Christian Gabriel und Anja Kettner (1999), "Wirtschaftsfaktor Bildung und Wissenschaft - Die regionalwirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Hochschulbildungs- und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen in Bremen", Frankfurt/M.; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Wien: Lang: 1999.
- Werner Bönte und Diemo Urbig (2019), "Connecting People and Knowledge: Knowledge Spillovers, Cognitive Biases, and Entrepreneurship" in: Erik E. Lehmann und Max Keilbach (Hrsgb.), "From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship", 385-397. link
- Werner Bönte, David B. Audretsch und Max Keilbach (2011), "Determinants and impact of entrepreneurship capital: The spatial dimensionand a comparison of diffenrent econometric approaches" in: Sameeksha Desai, Peter Nijkamp und Roger R. Stouch (Hrsg.), "New directions in regional economic development. The Role of Entrepreneurship Theory and Methods", Practise and Policy, 41-59. link
- Werner Bönte (2011), "What do scientists think about commercialization activities?" in: David B. Audretsch, Oliver Falck, Stephan Heblich, Adam Lederer (Hrsg.), "Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship", 337-353. link
- Werner Bönte, Zuoquan (2010), Zhao"Aggregate Productivity and Spatial Distribution: Evidence from the US Economy" in: "Innovation und Internationalisierung - Festschrift für Norbert Koubek", W. Baumann, U. Braukmann, W. Matthes (Hrsg.), Gabler Verlag.
- David B. Audretsch, Werner Bönte und Iris A. M. Beckmann (2009), "Knowledge-Based Start-ups and Entrepreneurship Policy". Public Policies for Fostering Entrepreneurship. Series: International Studies in Entrepreneurship, Volume 22, 3-13. link
- Werner Bönte, David B. Audretsch und Max Keilbach (2009), Knowledge based Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Performance . In: Sustaining Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth - Lessons in Policy and Industry Innovations from Germany and India. Keilbach, Max; Pawan Tamvada, Jagannadha; Audretsch, David B. (Eds.). Series: International Studies in Entrepreneurship, Vol. 19, Springer Verlag. link
- Werner Bönte, Bernd Lucke (2005), Angemessene Einwohnerveredelung im Länderfinanzausgleich - Anmerkungen zu einem Quantifizierungsversuch in: Martin Junkernheinrich (Hrsg.): Sonderbedarfe im bundesstaatlichen Finanzausgleich : Theorie - Methoden - Instrumente, Berlin: Analytica (Forum Öffentliche Finanzen; Bd. 7), 189-206. link
- Werner Bönte (2001), Wie produktiv sind Investitionen in industrielle Forschung und Entwicklung?, Wirtschaft und Statistik, 4, 312-320. link
- Werner Bönte (2001), Combining Input-Output with Productivity Analysis - Technology Diffusion in Regional Perspective, in: W. Pfähler (Hrsg.) , Regional Input-Output Analysis, Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden,265-284.
- Werner Bönte (2000), Paths of Innovation: A Review Article, Homo Oeconomicus, XVI (4), 473-474. link
- Werner Bönte, Wilhelm Pfähler (1996), F&E-Spillover und F&E-Politik. Zur theoretischen und empirischen Fundierung der deutschen F&E-Politik in: Kruse, J. und O.G. Meyer (eds.), Aktuelle Probleme der Wettbewerbs- und Wirtschaftspolitik, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1996, 59-82.
- Diemo Urbig, Werner Bönte, Vivien D. Procher und Sandro Lombardo: Entrepreneurs embrace competition: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field study. link
- Werner Bönte und Diemo Urbig (2016), Economics meets Psychology: Experimental and self-reported Measures of Individual Competitiveness. Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2016, No. 6. link
- Werner Bönte, Christian Dienes (2012), Energy and Material Efficiency Innovations: The Relevance of Innovation Strategies, Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2012-001 link
- Werner Bönte, Ute Filipiak (2011), Financial Investments, Information Flows, and Caste Affiliation: Empirical Evidence from India. Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2011-014 link
- Werner Bönte, Monika Jarosch (2011), Gender Differences in Competitiveness, Risk Tolerance, and other Personality Traits: Do they contribute to the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship?. Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2011-012 link
- Werner Bönte, Monika Jarosch (2010), Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most entrepreneurial of them all?. Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2010-009. link
- Werner Bönte, Sebastian Nielen (2010), Innovation, Credit Constraints, and Trade Credit: Evidence from a Cross-Country Study. Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2010-005. link
- David B. Audretsch, Werner Bönte und Prashanth Mahagaonkar (2009), Financial Signaling by Innovative Nascent Entrepreneurs, Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2009-001 und CEPR Discussion Papers, No 7165. link 1 und link 2
- Werner Bönte, Lars Wiethaus (2008), Why Powerful Buyers Finance Suppliers' R&D, Schumpeter Discussion Papers, 2008-004. link
- Werner Bönte, Stephan Heblich und Oliver Falck (2007), Demography and Innovative Entrepreneurship. CESifo Working Papers, No. 2115. link
- Werner Bönte, David B. Audretsch und Jagannadha Pawan Tamvada (2007), Religion and Entrepreneurship. Jena Economic Research Papers, 2007-075 und CEPR Discussion Papers, No 6378. link 1 und link 2
- Werner Bönte, Lars Wiethaus (2005), Knowldedge Transfer in Buyer-Supplier Relationships - When It (Not) Occurs. RWI: Discussion Papers, No. 34. link