Sebastian Nielen studied economics at the "Europa-University Viadrina" in Frankfurt (Oder) until February 2008. Since March 2008 he is scientific assistant at the chair of Industrial Organization at the University of Wuppertal.
Research Interests:
- Productivity
- Innovation
- Temporary employment
- Credit rationing and short-term corporate financing
Publications in Refereed Journals
- Temporary Agency Work and Firm Competitiveness: Evidence from German manufacturing firms (with Alexander Schiersch), accepted for publication in: Industrial Relations
- Product Innovation, Credit Constraints, and Trade Credit: Evidence from a Cross-Country Study (with Werner Bönte), Managerial and Decision Economics, 32 (6), 2011, 413-424
Discussion papers
- Productivity in German manufacturing firms: Does fixed-term employment matter? (with Alexander Schierch), Schumpeter Discussion Paper 2012-004, 2012.
Temporary Agency Work and Firm Competitiveness: Evidence from a panel data set of German manufacturing enterprises (with Alexander Schiersch), SCHUMPETER DISCUSSION PAPERS, 2011-006, http://elpub.bib.uni-wuppertal.de/servlets/DerivateServlet/Derivate-1932/sdp11006.pdf
Innovation, Credit Constraints, and Trade Credit: Evidence from a Cross-Country Study (with Werner Bönte), SCHUMPETER DISCUSSION PAPERS, 2010-005, http://elpub.bib.uni-wuppertal.de/servlets/DerivateServlet/Derivate-1537/sdp10005.pdf
Other Publications
- Zuviel Leiharbeit erhöht die Lohnstückkosten (with Alexander Schiersch), Wochenbericht des DIW Berlin, S. 10-13, 28 / 2011, http://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.376221.de/11-28-3.pdf
Presentations at Conferences:
- XXVII Jornadas de Economía Industrial (JEI), Murcia (Spanien), September 2012
- 11th Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data & COST Conference (CAED), Nürnberg (Deutschland), April 2012
- XXVI Jornadas de Economía Industrial (JEI), Valencia (Spanien), September 2011
- XXV Jornadas de Economía Industrial (JEI), Madrid (Spanien), September 2010
- 37th Conference of the European Association For Research In Industrial Economics (EARIE), Istanbul (Türkei), September 2010
- SME Performance Review 2012/2013
(since 03/2013)
Honors and Awards:
- VdF Auszeichnung - Bester Wochenbericht 2011 (2012)